Hello, I'm Itchel Morataya. I'm a mexican Graphic Design and Visual Communication graduate from UNAM, having Illustration as my main field.I'm passionate about art, animation, and everything involving its creation. I aspire to be a professional character designer and concept artist. I like to create, develop, produce, and promote my own ideas, literary and artistically.Main themes in my works are: Fantasy (involving a lot of prehispanic mythology), Ancient Cultures, Sci-Fi, Psychology, and LGBT.I currently work as graphic design and illustration freelance, dedicating a great part of my free time as fanartist.




Mateo, a young mexican boy discovers he's carrying a divine scent in his soul, after meeting his nahual, and waking up a centenary aztec death spirit. Why him?Copal is a satirical tale of prehispanic gods in our modern days, and the unknown deals of being a human with a godly aztec bloodline.